
Challenges Facing the Agriculture Industry
Soil Degradation - By 2050, $23 trillion in revenue will be lost worldwide due to soil degradation
Fertilizer Cost - $24.4 billion spent on fertilizer products and systems in the U.S. (2020)
Pesticide Cost - $15.5 billion spent on pesticide products in the U.S. (2021)
Food Safety - $7 billion in lost or unusable food products lost due to contamination (2021)
Water Scarcity - California lost $1.1 billion in profitability due to water scarcity in 2022 alone
Increased Seed Germination & Yield
Plasma-Activated Liquids for Decontamination
Soil Decontamination

Reduced Food Waste
Cold Plasma
A platform technology with the potential to replace or integrate with many production stages of the agriculture and food continuum due to its low energy requirement and flexible system design

Plasma-Generated Nitrate Fertilizers
Reduced Bacterial Levels At Harvest
Chemical-Free Process

Virus, Bacteria, Fungus, Pest Removal
Sustainable Agriculture & Food Security
Non-thermal (cold) plasma-enabled processes have unique advantages and applications along the food and feed crop production supply chain. Cold plasma dissociates microorganisms and biofilms on food surfaces, decontaminates food processing equipment and packaging, eradicates airborne toxins, and inactivates microbial enzymes, allergens, and anti-nutrients.
Cold plasma demonstrates that it can:
Treat seeds before planting to enhance germination, root growth, and plant vigor
Protect seeds from pathogens and pests, reducing the need for chemical treatments
Promote soil health, increase microbial activity, and enhance nutrient availability
Reduce soil-borne pathogens, such as Fusarium and Pythium, that cause plant diseases
Stimulate plant growth, increase photosynthesis, and improve nutrient uptake
Reduce foliar diseases (i.e., powdery mildew, rust) and pests (i.e., aphids, spider mites)
Disinfect fruits and vegetables post- harvest, reduce foodborne illness, extend shelf life
Reduce chemical residues from produce, such as pesticides and fungicides
Sterilize food processing equipment
Remove oxidative gases that decomposes perishables (i.e., ethylene).

Benefits of Using Cold Plasma to Prevent Food Waste
removes microorganisms thereby extending shelf life
slows the ripening process preserving freshness
Increased nutrient content
makes produce more nutritious so it is less likely to be discarded
Chemical-free process
using non-toxic methods to decontaminate and preserve fresh produce